Taking Education to Application

Our mission is to promote and support higher education and education exchange programs for all levels of scholars to find the best education to match their talents around the world, strengthen our partner school relationship for academic cooperations, fulfill the needs for academic practices, language proficiency, technology gaps, cultural experience,  and better lifestyles, and help scholars gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop life-long skills to succeed in the highly competitive, globally-connected and culturally diversified business world.


国教学院作为中国出国游学和留学服务行业的领航者,成立15年 以来,精英团队植根中国,面向瞬息万变的国际市场,致力于为中国公民出国游学和留学提供最专业优质的服务,同时也是中国文化最积极的海外传播者。基于对中 国学生海外游学和留学需求的深刻了解,国教学院的游学和留学专家们遍访全球最优秀的教育资源,精挑细选,潜心研究,和多个国家的著名院校建立了紧密的合作 伙伴关系,战略合作伙伴中汇集如美国哈佛大学和斯坦福大学等世界级的名校。


国 教学院的服务网络遍布在中国的主要经济发达地区和美国,英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等多个国家,并与亚洲知名的人力资源企业战略结盟,从而为中国学生构建了一 个包括语言培训,国际合作课程、求学咨询和职业规划、留学申请、签证申请、海外延续服务、海归求职指导等全方位的国际服务网络。为了向中国学生提供更专 业、更快捷的留学服务,国教学院通过组织高水准的国际教育展、专题展会、讲座面试会、视频面试会等多种形式帮助学生获得最新鲜的咨讯,最快捷的录取途径, 并通过专业留学规划和签证团队的努力连续七年将我们的院校录取率和签证率保持在99%以上。


秉持“关心学生成长每一步”的服务理念,国教学院2008年 在全国同业首家成立的“出国无忧”客户服务中心,由资深的教育专家、游学和留学生家长、和有丰富海外求学、生活经验的境内、境外客户服务经理、就业指导顾 问共同组成的精英团队为已经求学海外的学生和家庭提供包括小到接机住宿安排、成绩单翻译、机票预定,大到家庭海外团聚、学成就业等各个方面的优质服务。

ISEEI Practices 国教学院项目

l          Integrate international education resources into academic structure;

l          Monitor and evaluate education programs in related to the overall goals of the education institutions;

l          Ensure the stability of students enrolling in the program is evaluated according to clear and objective criteria;

l          Ensure the extracurricular aspects of the program offer students every opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture of the host country;

l          Ensure that appropriate back-up services covering such aspects as accommodations, health provision, and transportation are an integral part of the program;


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Catch the Buzz 成功案例

Read what our students have to say about their experiences at ISEEI.


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